On Sunday, 13 August 2017 at 06:09:39 UTC, amfvcg wrote:
Hi all,
I'm solving below task:

given container T and value R return sum of R-ranges over T. An example:
input : T=[1,1,1] R=2
output : [2, 1]

input : T=[1,2,3] R=1
output : [1,2,3]
(see dlang unittests for more examples)

Below c++ code compiled with g++-5.4.0 -O2 -std=c++14 runs on my machine in 656 836 us. Below D code compiled with dmd v2.067.1 -O runs on my machine in ~ 14.5 sec.

Each language has it's own "way of programming", and as I'm a beginner in D - probably I'm running through bushes instead of highway. Therefore I'd like to ask you, experienced dlang devs, to shed some light on "how to do it dlang-way".


From time to time the forum gets questions like these. It would be nice it we had blog articles concerning high performance programming in D, a kind of best practice approach, everything from programming idioms, to compilers, and compiler flags.

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