On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 03:59:48 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

And no, this isn't ideal, but the only semi-decent solution that's been proposed that safely casts away shared for you is synchronized classes, which Andrei describes in TDPL but have never been implemented.
After reading this I did some experiment to understand the situation better. I make a simple class and unittest:

// dmd sync1.d -unittest -main

    import std.stdio;

class A
    private int a;

    void inc()

    int get(){ return a;}

    shared A a;

    for(int i=0; i<100; ++i)


Oops! Deprecation: read-modify-write operations are not allowed for shared variables. Use core.atomic.atomicOp!"+="(this.a, 1) instead.

Why use atomic operations if the class already synchronized? Well..

   import core.atomic: atomicOp;
// ++a; // Deprecation: read-modify-write operations are not allowed for shared variables. Use core.atomic.atomicOp!"+="(this.a, 1) instead.
        atomicOp!"+="(this.a, 1);

ok, works. But it works by the way as if synchronized just makes all methods shared, but does not provide the object methods with a mutex lock, as Java does. Am I right here? And what preventing to implement it right, lack of manpower or some ideologic problems?

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