On 26-08-17 12:02, drug wrote:
26.08.2017 12:03, Hasen Judy пишет:
Building simple programs without dub is easy, just pass a list of .d source files to `dmd` or `ldc2`.

What if I want to include a 3rd party library? Surely before dub existed, people were incorporating other libraries in their projects.

I want to learn how this works from first principles. I've been working with dynamic/interpreted languages for too long, I forgot what it's like to build native programs without a dependency manager.

Any help would be appreciated!

It's like C++. If you use Linux then:
dmd <list of your .d files like you do> -L/path/to/lib -llibrarynamewithoutlibprefix
or example
dmd myapp.d -L../otherproject/lib -lcool
line above compiles `myapp.d` file and links it with library `libcool` that is place in directory `../otherproject/lib`

You will need an extra `-L` to pass things to the linker with dmd.

dmd myapp.d -L-L../otherproject/lib -L-lcool

Mike Wey

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