On Sunday, 27 August 2017 at 10:46:53 UTC, Andrew Chapman wrote:
Oh interesting. Does DUB support passing through the
--enable-contracts flag to ldc? Also, if this is an ldc
specific thing it's probably not a good idea i'd imagine, since
in the future one may want to use a GDC, or DMD?
Also, with regards to gdc, its release mode `-frelease` option is
explicitly specified in the manual as being shorthand for a
specific set of options:
This is equivalent to compiling with the following options:
gdc -fno-assert -fbounds-check=safe -fno-invariants \
-fno-postconditions -fno-preconditions -fno-switch-errors
As it doesn't seem to turn on/off any other options /
optimizations, you can use `"dflags-gdc": [...]` to specify your
own set of "release" options without losing anything.
In particular, I would overwrite dub's default "release" build
type [1] and add your own per compiler build settings, so dub
won't pass `-frelease` to gdc when using `dub --build=release`.
[1] https://code.dlang.org/package-format?lang=json#build-types