On Sunday, 27 August 2017 at 19:47:59 UTC, Alex wrote:
Is there a workaround, maybe?

To expand on the earlier workaround: You can also adapt a floating point to string algorithm in order to dynamically determine an upper bound on the number of after decimal point digits required. Below is an untested adaption of the reference C implementation of errol0[1] for that purpose (MIT license as that is what the original code is under):

void main()
    assert(gcd(0.5, 32) == 0.5);
    assert(gcd(0.2, 32) == 0.2);

    assert(gcd(1.3e2, 3e-5) == 1e-5);

template gcd(T)
    import std.traits : isFloatingPoint;

    T gcd(T a, T b)
        static if (isFloatingPoint!T)
            return fgcd(a, b);
            import std.numeric : igcd = gcd;
            return igcd(a, b);

    static if (isFloatingPoint!T)
        import std.math : nextUp, nextDown, pow, abs, isFinite;
        import std.algorithm : max;

        T fgcd(T a, T b)
            assert (a.isFinite);
            assert (b.isFinite);
            assert (a < ulong.max);
            assert (b < ulong.max);
            short a_exponent;
int a_digitCount = errol0CountOnly(abs(a), a_exponent);

            short b_exponent;
int b_digitCount = errol0CountOnly(abs(b), b_exponent);

            a_digitCount -= a_exponent;
            if (a_digitCount < 0)
                a_digitCount = 0;

            b_digitCount -= b_exponent;
            if (b_digitCount < 0)
                b_digitCount = 0;

            auto coeff = pow(10, max(a_digitCount, b_digitCount));
            assert (a * coeff < ulong.max);
            assert (b * coeff < ulong.max);
            return (cast(T) euclid(cast(ulong) (a * coeff),
cast(ulong) (b * coeff))) / coeff;

        ulong euclid(ulong a, ulong b)
            while (b != 0)
                auto t = b;
                b = a % b;
                a = t;
            return a;

        struct HighPrecisionFloatingPoint
            T base, offset;

            void normalize()
                T base = this.base;

                this.base   += this.offset;
                this.offset += base - this.base;

            void mul10()
                T base = this.base;

                this.base   *= T(10);
                this.offset *= T(10);

                T offset = this.base;
                offset -= base * T(8);
                offset -= base * T(2);

                this.offset -= offset;


            void div10()
                T base = this.base;

                this.base   /= T(10);
                this.offset /= T(10);

                base -= this.base * T(8);
                base -= this.base * T(2);

                this.offset += base / T(10);

        alias HP = HighPrecisionFloatingPoint;

        enum epsilon = T(0.0000001);
        ushort errol0CountOnly(T f, out short exponent)
            ushort digitCount;

            T ten = T(1);
            exponent = 1;

            auto mid = HP(f, T(0));

while (((mid.base > T(10)) || ((mid.base == T(10)) && (mid.offset >= T(0)))) && (exponent < 308))
                exponent += 1;
                ten /= T(10);

while (((mid.base < T(1)) || ((mid.base == T(1)) && (mid.offset < T(0)))) && (exponent > -307))
                exponent -= 1;
                ten *= T(10);

auto inhi = HP(mid.base, mid.offset + (nextUp(f) - f) * ten / (T(2) + epsilon)); auto inlo = HP(mid.base, mid.offset + (nextDown(f) - f) * ten / (T(2) + epsilon));


while (inhi.base > T(10) || (inhi.base == T(10) && (inhi.offset >= T(0))))
                exponent += 1;

while (inhi.base < T(1) || (inhi.base == T(1) && (inhi.offset < T(0))))
                exponent -= 1;

            while (inhi.base != T(0) || inhi.offset != T(0))
                auto hdig = cast(ubyte) inhi.base;
                if ((inhi.base == hdig) && (inhi.offset < T(0)))
                    hdig -= 1;

                auto ldig = cast(ubyte) inlo.base;
                if ((inlo.base == ldig) && (inlo.offset < 0))
                    ldig -= 1;

                if (ldig != hdig)

                digitCount += 1;
                inhi.base -= hdig;

                inlo.base -= ldig;

            digitCount += 1;
            return digitCount;

[1] https://github.com/marcandrysco/Errol

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