Trying to set a callback for portaudio and it's seeing zero for the value passed.

Pa_OpenStream(&stream, input, output, sampleRate, cast(ulong)0, cast(PaStreamFlags)(PaStreamFlags.NoFlag + 0*PaStreamFlags.PrimeOutputBuffersUsingStreamCallback),
                callbackCalled = true;
 return 0;

I am using a debug build of portaudio that prints out all the parameters before anything else, so it's not an issue with portaudio.

I've tried passing a normal function:

__gshared int sawtooth(const(void)* inputBuffer, void* outputBuffer, ulong framesPerBuffer, const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)* timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData)
{ return 0; }

and passing it as &sawtooth.

with the same issue.

I've tried changing the calling convention and using __gshared but the value is always 0. It seems other values are 0 too and can't seem to get any value in to the callback(Even a random one).

The output essentially always looks like this:

Opening Stream!
Pa_OpenStream called:
        PaStream** stream: 0x00823EA0
        PaStreamParameters *inputParameters: NULL
        PaStreamParameters *outputParameters: 0x02C6C1C0
        PaDeviceIndex outputParameters->device: 3
        int outputParameters->channelCount: 4
        PaSampleFormat outputParameters->sampleFormat: 1
        PaTime outputParameters->suggestedLatency: 0.135000
void *outputParameters->hostApiSpecificStreamInfo: 0x00000000
        double sampleRate: 44100
        unsigned long framesPerBuffer: 256
        PaStreamFlags streamFlags: 0x0
        PaStreamCallback *streamCallback: 0x00000000
        void *userData: 0x00000000
Pa_GetSampleSize called:
        PaSampleFormat format: 8
Pa_GetSampleSize returned:
        int: 2
Pa_GetSampleSize called:
        PaSampleFormat format: 8
Pa_GetSampleSize returned:
        int: 2
Pa_GetSampleSize called:
        PaSampleFormat format: 1
Pa_GetSampleSize returned:
        int: 4
Pa_GetSampleSize called:
        PaSampleFormat format: 8
Pa_GetSampleSize returned:
        int: 2
Pa_GetSampleSize called:
        PaSampleFormat format: 8
Pa_GetSampleSize returned:
        int: 2
Pa_OpenStream returned:
        *(PaStream** stream): 0x03BEAD50
        PaError: 0 ( Success )

everything seems correct except:

        PaStreamCallback *streamCallback: 0x00000000
        void *userData: 0x00000000

You can find the full code at             

This is either a bug in D, an issue with calling conventions, or how one passes the data.

The original portaudio open stream function, so you can see that it simply prints it's arguments:

PaError Pa_OpenStream( PaStream** stream,
                       const PaStreamParameters *inputParameters,
                       const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters,
                       double sampleRate,
                       unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
                       PaStreamFlags streamFlags,
                       PaStreamCallback *streamCallback,
                       void *userData )
    PaError result;
    PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *hostApi = 0;
PaDeviceIndex hostApiInputDevice = paNoDevice, hostApiOutputDevice = paNoDevice; PaStreamParameters hostApiInputParameters, hostApiOutputParameters; PaStreamParameters *hostApiInputParametersPtr, *hostApiOutputParametersPtr;

    PA_LOGAPI_ENTER_PARAMS( "Pa_OpenStream" );
    PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaStream** stream: 0x%p\n", stream ));

    if( inputParameters == NULL ){
PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaStreamParameters *inputParameters: NULL\n" ));
PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaStreamParameters *inputParameters: 0x%p\n", inputParameters )); PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaDeviceIndex inputParameters->device: %d\n", inputParameters->device )); PA_LOGAPI(("\tint inputParameters->channelCount: %d\n", inputParameters->channelCount )); PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaSampleFormat inputParameters->sampleFormat: %d\n", inputParameters->sampleFormat )); PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaTime inputParameters->suggestedLatency: %f\n", inputParameters->suggestedLatency )); PA_LOGAPI(("\tvoid *inputParameters->hostApiSpecificStreamInfo: 0x%p\n", inputParameters->hostApiSpecificStreamInfo ));

    if( outputParameters == NULL ){
PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaStreamParameters *outputParameters: NULL\n" ));
PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaStreamParameters *outputParameters: 0x%p\n", outputParameters )); PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaDeviceIndex outputParameters->device: %d\n", outputParameters->device )); PA_LOGAPI(("\tint outputParameters->channelCount: %d\n", outputParameters->channelCount )); PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaSampleFormat outputParameters->sampleFormat: %d\n", outputParameters->sampleFormat )); PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaTime outputParameters->suggestedLatency: %f\n", outputParameters->suggestedLatency )); PA_LOGAPI(("\tvoid *outputParameters->hostApiSpecificStreamInfo: 0x%p\n", outputParameters->hostApiSpecificStreamInfo ));

    PA_LOGAPI(("\tdouble sampleRate: %g\n", sampleRate ));
PA_LOGAPI(("\tunsigned long framesPerBuffer: %d\n", framesPerBuffer )); PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaStreamFlags streamFlags: 0x%x\n", streamFlags )); PA_LOGAPI(("\tPaStreamCallback *streamCallback: 0x%p\n", streamCallback ));
    PA_LOGAPI(("\tvoid *userData: 0x%p\n", userData ));

and this is how I define it in the code(which you can see if you follow the link):

PaError function(PaStream** stream, const PaStreamParameters *inputParameters, const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters, double sampleRate, ulong framesPerBuffer, PaStreamFlags streamFlags, PaStreamCallback streamCallback, void *userData) Pa_OpenStream;

I can play audio if I do a hard write, but obviously that is generally useless.

This seems like it might be a bug in D in that the last parameters are invalid. user_data, which is passing a simple pointer is also 0, when it isn't.

Even trying something like

PaError function(PaStream** stream, const PaStreamParameters *inputParameters, const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters, double sampleRate, ulong framesPerBuffer, PaStreamFlags streamFlags, size_t streamCallback, size_t userData) Pa_OpenStream;

and passing numbers still shows zero values!

Any ideas?

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