On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 20:47:12 UTC, EntangledQuanta wrote:
This is quite surprising!

public struct S(T)
        T s;

interface I
        void Go(T)(S!T s);

        static final I New()
                return new C();

abstract class A : I

class C : A
        void Go(T)(S!T s)

void main()
        S!int s;
        auto c = I.New();
        c.Go(s);    // fails!
//(cast(C)c).Go(s); // Works, only difference is we have made c an explicit C.


Everything works when Go is not templatized(we explicitly make T an int)

This is a blocker for me! Can someone open a ticket?

Knock yourself out:


Anyone can open tickets for bugs or enhancement requsts.


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