Hi all!
Say, I have

struct A(T...)
        T arr;

struct B(T...)
        T[] arr;

void main()
        A!(int[], double[]) a;
        a.arr[0] ~= 5;
        a.arr[0] ~= 6;
        static assert(!__traits(compiles, a.arr[0] ~= 3.5));
        a.arr[1] ~= 19.8;
        assert(a.arr[0] == [5,6]);
        assert(a.arr[1] == [19.8]);
        assert(a.arr[1].length == 1);
        assert(a.arr[0].length == 2);
        B!(int, double) b;
        //b.arr[0] ~= 5;

While struct A behaves like expected, how to get by with B?
What I want is just to abstract the array property out of template arguments...

Thanks in advance :)

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