On Friday, 1 September 2017 at 10:58:51 UTC, user1234 wrote:
On Friday, 1 September 2017 at 10:15:09 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
So I have the following types
i.e. it substitutes the template DevicePointer for the template Buffer in Parameters!foo, The templates can be assumed to not be nested templates, i.e. DevicePointer!(DevicePointer!(float)) will never occur neither will Buffer!(Buffer!(float) or any cross templates)

Wow, this Question triggers an immediate headache...What about this ?

import std.traits: Parameters;
alias HostArgsOf(alias A) = AliasSeq!(Parameters!A[0], Parameters!A[1], Parameters!A[2]);

It will probably take the form

alias HostArgsOf(alias k) = staticMap!(something, Parameters!k);

I'm just not sure how to formulate the something.

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