On Thursday, 7 September 2017 at 14:26:08 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 09/07/2017 03:56 AM, Vino.B wrote:


Access the elements by taking a slice of the container:



Hi Ali,

Thank you very much, was ablee to resolve this issue and now facing a new issue as the below code is not working as expected. The below code has to list the folders and their size's.

import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;

Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong)) coSizeDirList () {
        string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\TEST1\\BACKUP";
        int SizeDir = 10;
        ulong subdirTotal;
        ulong subdirTotalGB;
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string)) (dirEntries(FFs, SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(a.name)));
    foreach (d; dFiles) {
auto SdFiles = Array!(Tuple!(ulong)) (dirEntries(d[0], SpanMode.depth).map!(a => tuple(a.size))); foreach(f; parallel(SdFiles, 1)) { subdirTotal += f.fold!((a, b) => a + b); }
                                        subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { auto Subdata = Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong))(dFiles ~ subdirTotalGB); }
                                         subdirTotal = 0;
                        return Subdata;

void main () {
writeln (coSizeDirList[]);

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