On Thursday, 7 September 2017 at 23:40:11 UTC, Jiyan wrote:
wanted to know whether it is possible to make anonymous nogc classes:

interface I
        public void ap();
void exec(I i)

// now execute, but with something like `scope`
exec( new  class  I
        int tr = 43;
        override void ap(){tr.writeln;}

Thanks :)

Sadly, even std.typecons.scoped isn't currently @nogc:

This can be worked around by casting scoped's destructor to be @nogc, but that's a heavy-handed approach that ruins type safety, and is the wrong solution in non-@nogc situations. Should you want to, this is what it should look like:

            (cast(void delegate(T) @nogc)((T t){
// `destroy` will also write .init but we have no functions in druntime // for deterministic finalization and memory releasing for now.

If and when this issue is resolved, this should work:

interface I {
    public void ap();

void exec(I i) {

auto scopedAnon(T)(lazy T dummy) if (is(T == class)) {
    import std.typecons;
    return scoped!T();

unittest {
    auto i = scopedAnon(new class I {
        int tr = 43;
        override void ap() {
            import std.stdio;


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