Although I responded below, I'm curious on what others think about this question.

On 09/08/2017 02:13 AM, John Burton wrote:
> I wrote this simple program to test out my understanding of memory
> allocation :-

I changed it to display the location and capacity:

import std.stdio;

void info(A)(A array) {
    writefln("ptr: %s, capacity: %s, length: %s",
             array.ptr, array.capacity, array.length);

void main()
    int [] array = new int[250];


    // Append one value to the array
    array ~= 123;

Sample output:

ptr: 7FD9B63CD000, capacity: 255, length: 250
ptr: 7FD9B63CD000, capacity: 255, length: 251

> I compiled it with 'dmd test.d -profile=gc'
> After running it, the profile report was :-
>     bytes allocated, allocations, type, function, file:line
>                2000               1 int[] D main test.d:5
>                   4               1 int[] D main test.d:10

Here's my output with v2.076.0-dirty (that really is the version :o)):

           4000               1 int[] D main deneme.d:412
72 1 std.format.FormatException std.exception.enforceEx!(FormatException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/exception.d:615 64 2 std.array.Appender!string.Appender.Data std.array.Appender!string.Appender.this /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/array.d:2817 32 1 std.array.Appender!(char[]).Appender.Data std.array.Appender!(char[]).Appender.this /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/array.d:2817
              4               1 int[] D main deneme.d:417

And why is mine 4000 bytes? I guess it's the size of the underlying buffer.

> This is not how I expected it to be. I would have expected that the
> runtime either did not have to allocate at all at line 10 to add a new
> element because there was already space or it would have to allocate
> space for the new enlarged array and copy the array to it, in which case
> I'd expect it to allocate 2004 bytes (or more) to copy the enlarged
> array in to.
> I would not expect that it could have allocated 4 bytes to add an item
> separably from the original 2000. Is there some way that the runtime can
> grown the original allocation by 4 bytes and that's what I'm seeing? If
> so, is there a limit to how much it can do this?
> Can anyone help me understand what is going on here?

I think you're right. Perhaps more accurate information is not possible with the current implementation. Perhaps a higher-layer function counts "potential" allocations without being sure whether the space could be used for this slice or not. The "D Slices" article has related information:


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