Every time I go to use something like strip it bitches and gives me errors. Why can't I simply do somestring.strip("\n")???

import std.string would be the likely strip yet it takes a range and somestring, for some retarded reason, isn't a range. strip isn't the only function that does this. Who ever implemented ranges the way they did needs to get their head checked!

How bout you make these functions work on strings automatically so it works without moronic errors. Every sane programming(not including D) does not try to toy with the programmer and make them figure out retarded rules that make no sense logically. strip is meant to be used on strings in most cases so having direct and easy access to it should override trying to force ranges down my throat. I'm not a porn star. No other language plays these guys, why does D do it?

Ok, so I know what your saying "Oh, but strip("\n") should be strip()! Your a moron RTFM!" But why then force me to strip for nothing? Why not pay me? e.g., let me strip for something like strip("x")?

Oh, chomp? Is that the function I'm suppose to use? Seriously? Was the D lib written by someone with a pacman fetish?

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