On 19.09.2017 13:47, Timothy Foster wrote:
I'm trying to compile my project as a Win64 application but this is happening:

Building C:\Users\me\test\test.exe...
OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.17
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2013  All rights reserved.
OPTLINK : Warning 183: Extension not .RES : obj\debug\dummy\test\..\source\c.obj
obj\debug\dummy\test\..\source\b.obj(1) : Error 52: .DEF Syntax Error

Building C:\Users\me\test\test.exe failed!

I'm on a Win64 machine and compiling Win32 works fine. I'm using Visual Studio 17 Community with Visual D. DMD is up to date as is Visual D.

I added a x64 "solution platform" to the configuration manager which added a -m64 flag to my linker options. I'm not sure what else I'm meant to do to get it to compile as x64?

That usually happens if the DMD bin folder is searched first in the PATH variable (unfortunately the linker and other tools have the same name as the Microsoft programs).

You should verify that the VC folder is listed first in Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Visual D Settings->DMD Directories->x64->Executable Paths, i.e.


should be listed before


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