On 23-09-17 13:58, Mengu wrote:
hi all

i've successfully compiled phobos master with gmake on freebsd. (make fails, i've no clue at all as to why)

how do i compile my project now against my local phobos with dub? with plain dmd?

i tried (in dub.sdl):
- full path to new libphobos.so with -defaultlib to dflags
- full path to new libphobos.so to lflags

i checked with ldd and saw the original libphobos.so was used. my current workaround is copying mine to /usr/lib.

thanks in advanced.

While you are linking with the phobos you compiled yourself with -defaultlib, ldd (and your binary) will pickup the one available in one of the paths configured for the run-time shared library loader.

To actually make use of the phobos you compiled you also need to set the rpath.


Or use phobos as a static library.

Mike Wey

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