On 10/16/17 8:00 AM, drug wrote:
I refactored `MyStructure` added own implementation of malloced array based on pureRealloc/pureFree instead of dynamic array I used before and now I have error: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression get(msg.getData()) of type const(MyStructure) to MyStructure.

What operators should I overload to let this conversion? I've tryed opCast and it fails in other call sites, also I've tried opAssign - it didn't works, what worked is wrapping in ctor - MyStruct(const_var). But using ctor is not convenient.

The issue is:

int[] -> const(int)[].

This is an implicit cast from a mutable array of mutable data to a mutable array of const data. There is no way to "hook" this properly.

What you need is:

MyArray!int -> MyArray!(const(int))

But D doesn't do this implicitly. It can't, as you could implement MyArray!(const(int)) to be completely different from MyArray!int.

If you define opCast(T : MyArray!(const(T))), then it requires an explicit cast, you need an implicit one. You could use alias this, but I don't think it's as smooth.

Complicating things further, you have template functions like this:


Where D is smart enough to pull out the T there. I don't think it works with MyArray.


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