I am trying to make non blocking web requests to a web service.

vibe.core.concurrency.Future!(UserData)[] futurelist;

// I will make http requests in for loop and push them to futureList
foreach( elem; elemList )
// In makeWebRequest I make the httprequest, parse json and push to my UserData auto future = vibe.core.concurrency.async( &elem.makeWebRequest );
        futurelist ~= future;

// I want to do call ProcessResponceData for each future which is ready.
while ( futurelist.length > 0 )
futurelist.filter!(a => a.ready()).each!(a=> ProcessResponceData(a.getResult()));

        //!!!!!  Here is my problem
//!!!!! I want to remove the futures which are already processed.
        futurelist = futurelist.filter!(a => !a.ready()).array;      


I am having troubles while trying to remove the future which I already processed.

futurelist = futurelist.filter!(a => !a.ready()).array; results with:

/usr/local/bin/../import/std/array.d(2716,20): Error: can't have array of nothrow @safe void() /usr/local/bin/../import/std/array.d(2782,46): Error: can't have array of inout nothrow @safe void() /usr/local/bin/../import/std/array.d(3158,1): Error: template instance std.array.Appender!(Future!(UserData)[]) error instantiating /usr/local/bin/../import/std/array.d(133,32): instantiated from here: appender!(Future!(UserData)[])

futurelist = futurelist.filter!(a => !a.ready());     results with:

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (filter(futurelist)) of type FilterResult!(__lambda5, Future!(UserData)[]) to Future!(AnalyzeData)[]

Do you have any suggestion or workaround for my case?
What lesson I should learn from this case? Do you guys have any idea why I am getting those compile errors?


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