On Wednesday, 1 November 2017 at 12:02:08 UTC, Alexandre wrote:
I have a project written in C++, that I'm thinking to migrating to D, but, what is preventing me from migrating to D, is the part of the system that works with images, where the system generates the image of a payment receipt, currently in the system written in C ++, there is an array with image base RGB where I can open that RGB by lib. that I use to generate the image in C ++ (the lib I use is the CImg), in this system I need to insert texts, images and a bar code in that base image..

There is some lib. in D ( multiplataform ), that I could be this, insert texts, imagens and a barcode into a existing image, that I could be open from memory ?

Hi Alxandre,

You could use cairo[1] and the port to D provided by the GtkD project[2].

[1] https://www.cairographics.org/
[2] https://api.gtkd.org/gtkd/cairo/Context.html


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