On Sunday, 5 November 2017 at 13:32:57 UTC, Matthew Gamble wrote:
On Sunday, 5 November 2017 at 03:21:06 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
On Saturday, 4 November 2017 at 18:57:17 UTC, Matthew Gamble wrote:

It should, this looks like a bug somewhere, please file one at issues.dlang.org/ .

in the mean time

struct Replicate(T)
    Tuple!(T, uint) e;
    @property bool empty() { return e[1] == 0 ; }
    @property auto front() {return e[0]; }
    void popFront() { --e[1]; }

Replicate!T replicate(T)(Tuple!(T, uint) e)
    return typeof(return)(e);

f.multiwayMerge.group!"a == b".map!(replicate).writeln;

Does the same thing provided your predicate is "a == b".

Thanks Nicholas.
I posted the bug as you suggested. My predicate is not quite a == b, otherwise I would never have needed chunkBy in the first place. But thanks, I'm pursuing a workaround.


One thing you might try is instead of using .array to eagerly evaluate the whole range, eagerly evaluate only a part (say 128 elements) and .joiner them.

import std.range : chunks;


since it seems to be the iteration that stuff things up and this changes it.

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