On Monday, 13 November 2017 at 10:20:51 UTC, Aurelien Fredouelle wrote:
Hi all,

It seems that it is not possible to use minElement on an array of const objects:

class A
  int val;

const(A) doStuff(const(A)[] v)
  import std.algorithm.searching : minElement;
  return v.minElement!"a.val";

This gets the following compiler error:

std/algorithm/searching.d(1256,28): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (front(r)) of type const(A) to app.A std/algorithm/searching.d(1286,35): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (r[i]) of type const(A) to app.A std/algorithm/searching.d(1258,36): Error: template instance std.algorithm.searching.extremum!("a.val", "a < b", const(A)[], A) error instantiating std/algorithm/searching.d(3345,24): instantiated from here: extremum!("a.val", "a < b", const(A)[]) source/app.d(11,11): instantiated from here: minElement!("a.val", const(A)[])

Is there a reason why this is not allowed? Shouldn't minElement be able to return a const(A) in this situation?


It should not until it uses recursion to find min element.

const(Class) res = ...;
return res;

Algorithm tries to assign to res variable and fails because in D const(Class) means both const object and const reference to it. So we cannot assign another reference to const(Class) variable.

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