On Monday, November 13, 2017 19:58:51 Enjoys Math via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> Hi,
> I tried googling and didn't find anything.
> I have thread doing a time-intensive search and I want its
> results printed to a second console while the main console
> displays what I already have writing.
> Thanks.

When something displays to the console, it's by the program writing to
stdout or stderr. Then by default, the console displays that output (though
it could be redirected to a file or pipe or whatnot). So, the program itself
isn't even in control of sending data to the console it's running in, let
alone another console. It just sends the data to stdout.

Probably the simplest way to get data displaying on a second console is to
write the data to a file and then tail -f the file in the other console.

- Jonathan M Davis

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