On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 11:35:18 UTC, Skuzzi wrote:
typedef void (__stdcall* _function) (const char *text);

I want to do this in D. I understand that D uses "extern (C)" and does away with specifying calling conventions. However, how does D know the calling convention required? What if it is a __thiscall or something else, will it always be handled properly by D, just be specifying "extern (C)"?

extern(C) is for __cdecl functions. For __stdcall, it is `extern(Windows)`.

D doesn't actually do away with calling conventions, it just specifies them with slightly different syntax. You do still wanna make sure you get the right one.

Does anyone know of a proper and recommended way to achieve this in D?

Generally speaking, if you can do it in C or C++, it isn't *that* much different to do in D: the concepts are the same, just the syntax is slightly different.

So the C function pointer (*foo)(arg) stuff turns into a D function pointer: `return_type function(args)` where `function` is the literal keyword `function`. The calling convention turns into one of the correct `extern` on the outside of it: `extern(C)`, `extern(C++)`, `extern(Windows)`, `extern(Pascal)`, or extern(System) and, for completeness, extern(D). The name is based on which language uses that calling convention by default.

Then casts go from (type)(statement) to `cast(type)(statement)`; the addition of the `cast` keyword.

And a few other little things like array from `int foo[]` to `int* foo` - use pointers for calling C functions instead of D arrays. and C's `long` is not the same as D's `long`, use `import core.stdc.config;` and the type `c_long` instead.

otherwise... pretty straightforward one-to-one translation of the concepts described in C++ on the 'net over to D syntax should get you there. You can call the same Windows API functions too.

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