Hi, I've recently switched from a linux distribution to another (F27). During the last 2 years i used a script to build DMD, unfortunately i forgot to include it in my backup. Initially i thought "No problem, there's the instructions in the wiki, it's more or less about calling make with a couple of option". In theory only...

make -fposix.mak gives me

[basile@pc1 dmd]$ make -f posix.mak
make -C src -f posix.mak
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/basile/dev/repos/dlang/dmd/src »
no cpu specified, assuming X86
 (CC)  ROOT_OBJS  ddmd/root/newdelete.c
c++ -c -o../generated/linux/release/64/newdelete.o -Wno-deprecated -Wstrict- aliasing -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -D__pascal= -DMARS=1 -DTARGET_LINUX=1 - DDM_TARGET_CPU_X86=1 -m64 -fPIC -std=gnu++98 -Iddmd/root -MMD -MF ../generated/linux/release/64/newdelete.deps ddmd/root/newdelete.c
cc1plus: désolé, pas implémenté: mode 64 bits pas compilé
make[1]: *** [posix.mak:568: ../generated/linux/release/64/newdelete.o] Error 1 make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/basile/dev/repos/dlang/dmd/src »
make: *** [posix.mak:8: all] Error 2

All required tools are setup. I do not set AUTOBOOTSTRAP=1 since dmd 2.077 is setup.

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