I'm on Windows and I recently got confused by how Phobos functions handle newlines.

void main() {
    import std.stdio;
    import std.path : buildPath, tempDir;

    auto path = buildPath(tempDir(), "test.txt");
    auto file = new File(path, "w");

file.write("hello there!\n"); //actually writes hello there!\r\n
    file.write('\n');               //actually writes \r\n
    file.rawWrite("\n");            //actually writes \n
    //file.rawWrite('\n');          //doesn't compile

//byLine uses \n as default terminator, so a trailing \r is kept writeln(File(path).byLine.front~"huh?"); //prints "huh?o there!"

- Why do these functions behave like that?
- What is the easiest way to iterate over a file by line that works with both \r\n and \n line endings? I prefer not to write a new method for this.

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