On Wednesday, 13 December 2017 at 00:43:31 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

1. Does dub compile dependencies as separate binaries? And if yes how to specify where should be they placed?

Object/static files, but yes.

Where they go:

Windows: %APPDATA%/roaming/dub
Posix: ~/.dub

You don't need to change this and if you think you do, you're wrong :)

2. It is possible to compile subpackage as a dynamic or static library and link it to main binary file? Or just better create separate dub package and use it as dependency?

Static yes, dynamic it won't link against (some bug last I heard).
Have to do that manually.

"dependencies": { "mypackage:subpackage": "*" }

Change as required for SDL.

At first thanks for answers.
So going back to my first question. Code from dependencies is compiled with mine project to one single executable?

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