I know that this community is not from c ++, but for some time I studied how to do overload of ostream operators in c ++ and I even managed to get to this result, I got to this result in another post done here but I did not understand the that it returns this error below:

bin2.cxx:44:43: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘(’ token
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ios_base& (__cdecl *_Pfn)(std::ios_base&))
bin2.cxx: In member function ‘std::ostream& BinStream::operator<<(std::ios_base&)’:
bin2.cxx:46:16: error: ‘_Pfn’ was not declared in this scope
    return os <<_Pfn;

so that the output is the same as below:

        127 em binario:     0001111111
        127 em octal:       177
        127 em binario:     0001111111
        127 em hexadecimal: 7f
        127 em decimal:     127
        127 em binario:     0001111111

and not this:

        127 em binario:     0001111111
        127 em octal:       0001111111
        127 em binario:     0001111111
        127 em hexadecimal: 0001111111
        127 em decimal:     0001111111
        127 em binario:     0001111111

#include <ios> //ios_base
#include <sstream>
#include <climits>   // CHAR_BIT
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm> // reverse

    struct BinStream
         std::ostream& os;
         BinStream(std::ostream& os) : os(os) {}

     std::string binario(unsigned int n)
      //converte numero para string de bits
      std::stringstream bitsInReverse;
      //int nBits = sizeof(n) * CHAR_BIT;
      unsigned int nBits = sizeof(n)*2.5;

      while (nBits-- > 0)
       bitsInReverse << (n & 1);
       n >>= 1;

      std::string bits(bitsInReverse.str());
      std::reverse(bits.begin(), bits.end());
      return bits;

         template<class T>
         BinStream& operator<<(T&& value)
             os << value;
             return *this;

         BinStream& operator<<(int value)
             os << binario(value);
             return *this;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ios_base& (__cdecl *_Pfn)(std::ios_base&))
             return os << _Pfn;

     struct Bin
friend BinStream operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Bin& f);
     } bin;

     BinStream operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Bin& f)
         return BinStream(os);

 int main()
  std::cout << "\n\t127 em binario:     " << binario(127)
            << "\n\t127 em binario:     " << bin << 127
            << "\n\t127 em octal:       " << std::oct << 127
            << "\n\t127 em binario:     " << bin << 127
            << "\n\t127 em hexadecimal: " << std::hex << 127
            << "\n\t127 em binario:     " << bin << 127
            << "\n\t127 em decimal:     " << std::dec << 127
            << "\n\t127 em binario:     " << bin << 127 << "\n\n";

  • overload dark777 via Digitalmars-d-learn

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