On Monday, 18 December 2017 at 23:44:46 UTC, Michael wrote:

I have been looking at the following example found right at the end of the section here: https://dlang.org/spec/declaration.html#alias

struct S { static int i; }
S s;

alias a = s.i; // illegal, s.i is an expression
alias b = S.i; // ok
b = 4;         // sets S.i to 4

and it runs fine to me, including if I add:

a = 3;

So, to me I don't see why either can't be valid, but either way something needs to be fixed to reflect that this is no longer illegal in DMD v2.077.1.

I think the reason that this works is because i is static, meaning that you don't need the `this` reference of S to access it and thus it can be aliased. Declaring a static class or struct variable is pretty much the same as declaring a global variable, just with a tighter scope. If you look at it that way, then this makes a lot more sense. If you declare a global variable i at module scope, of course you can create an alias for it.

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