I'm developing a plugin system for a D program.

I have a complex class hierarchy which will be complied into our executable, and I want third parties to be able to further extend it with their own DLLs - subject to implementing an API present in the most derived class - which will be provided to the user as a auto generated header (.di) file using "dmd -H [modules]"

For example, in our program:

class A
    //Protected and public methods

class B : A
    //Protected and public methods.

    public string apiMethod()
        return "Class B";


And in a typical "Dll to be' plugin:


import B; //Currently using a 'header' file generated with dmd -H b.d;

mixin dllBoilerplate;

export class C : B
   //Public (export?) API implimentation
    override public string apiMethod()
        return "Class C";

   //Private methods

Currently, when I try to compile the plugin DLL, I get linker errors that mangled symbol for apiMethod is not defined - These are the symbols defined in the header (b.di) file, but are not implemented: by definition intended to be part of the main program, instead.

Can anyone explain how I should go about building the plugin - I suspect it involved what I am and am not declaring 'export', but I'm unable to find any material that puts light on my situation.



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