On Monday, 25 December 2017 at 10:42:55 UTC, Sobaya wrote:

import std.stdio;

int[] x;

void func(scope int[] a) {
    x = a;

void main() {

This code was successfully compiled and printed '[0, 1, 2]'.

But according to https://dlang.org/spec/function.html, above code must cause a compile error.

After a few hours trying to figure out why the compiler didn't catch this, I finally figured it out. You have to add `@safe`.

import std.stdio;

int[] x;

void func(scope int[] a) @safe
    x = a;

void main() @safe {

This is one of the things really ticks me off about D; it has all the wrong defaults.

At a minimum, the documentation needs clarification. I encourage you to file a bug report against the documentation at http://issues.dlang.org/


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