On Thursday, 4 January 2018 at 02:20:32 UTC, Seb wrote:
On Thursday, 4 January 2018 at 01:50:47 UTC, Tony wrote:
Following the instructions here on Ubuntu 16.04:


I did the command

make -f posix.mak html

but it failed to successfully complete:
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/user/dlang/dmd/src'
../dmd/generated//release//dmd -c -o- -Df/home/user/dlang/dlang.org/web/spec/spec.html macros.ddoc html.ddoc dlang.org.ddoc doc.ddoc .generated/2.078.0.ddoc .generated/dblog_latest.ddoc .generated/twid_latest.ddoc spec/spec.ddoc spec/spec.dd
make: ../dmd/generated//release//dmd: Command not found
posix.mak:466: recipe for target '/home/user/dlang/dlang.org/web/spec/spec.html' failed make: *** [/home/user/dlang/dlang.org/web/spec/spec.html] Error 127

1) Did you clone the `dmd` repository yourself?

2) Is ../dmd existent?
Try nuking ../dmd and doing a fresh clone of ../dmd

I forgot to check, but I deleted the dlang.org directory and tried again starting from git clone and this time it appears to have worked. Guess I should have tried that first before posting.

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