On 01/10/2018 11:35 PM, Luís Marques wrote:
Due to compatibility with some C code, I basically need to do this:

     struct Wrapper
         int[] x;

     void main()
         void* ctxptr = new Wrapper([1, 2, 3]);
         auto context = cast(Wrapper*) ctxptr;

How can I do that without the wrapper? `new int[]` isn't supported, even though that's exactly what I want.

If I understand correctly, the goal is to have the `int[]` itself on the GC heap. You can make an `int[][]` with one element, and then take the address of that element:

void main()
    int[]* x = &[[1, 2, 3]][0];
    int[]* x2 = [[1, 2, 3]].ptr; /* same */

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