On Friday, 12 January 2018 at 14:13:22 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
I have a simple program that only compiles if the dependency is not pre-compiled as a static library. It worked fine before. Please test this

if [ ! -d "iz" ]; then
    git clone https://www.github.com/BBasile/iz.git

cd iz/scripts
sh compile.sh
cd ../

#fails to link
dmd samples/dictionnary_suffixarray.d lib/iz.a -Iimport > ddemangle

#on the other hand, this works...
dub samples/dictionnary_suffixarray.d <<< "q"

#or even this...
dmd samples/dictionnary_suffixarray.d import/iz/strings.d import/iz/memory.d -Iimport

and tell me what do you think: regression or not ?

I guess a mangle problem ?

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