I'm trying to learn how to use D to connect (and send queries) to Postgres, i.e., libpq in C. Postgres has three families of connection functions: PQsetdbLogin which takes multiple individual arguments (all as const char *), PQconnectdb which takes a single connection string (which Postgres then has to parse into keywords/values) and PQconnectdbParams (introduced with PG 9.0 in 2010) which takes two arrays of char pointers, one for the keywords and another for the values, i.e., it's pre-parsed, and I believe, more convenient for callers since it's most likely that they get the parameter values from command line arguments, environment values or UI dialogs, so it saves the connection string formatting on the caller side and the parsing/decomposing on the library side.

In spite of the latter considerations, it appears most D libraries for Postgres only support connection string usage (only derelict-pq has a declaration for PQconnectdbParams--but I haven't tested it).

In any case, I tried to use PQconnectdbParams by first declaring it, as per the Postgres manual, with

    struct PGconn;

    PGconn *PQconnectdbParams(const char * const * keywords,
                              const char * const * values,
                              int expand_dbname);

This caused ldc2, on Linux, to complain as follows:

connection.d(30): Error: found 'const' when expecting ')'
connection.d(30): Error: semicolon expected following function declaration
connection.d(30): Error: declaration expected, not '*'

It only compiled after I removed the second 'const' in the first and second arguments.

The hard thing was figuring out how to pass the keyword/values arrays, defined as:

string[] keywords = ["hostaddr", "port", "dbname"];
string[] values = ["", "5432", "testdb"];

to the D invocation of PQconnectdbParams. I ended up with the following, which looks like covering a patient with lots of bandaids and looking the other way (and I had to modify the arrays above with a fixed length).

    extern(C) char * [keywords.length + 1] kws;
    extern(C) char * [keywords.length + 1] vals;
    foreach (i, k; keywords) {
        kws[i] = cast(char *)toStringz(k);
        vals[i] = cast(char *)toStringz(values[i]);
kws[keywords.length] = null; // Postgres wants the NULL termination
    vals[keywords.length] = null;

    conn = PQconnectdbParams(cast(const char **)kws,
                             cast(const char **)vals, 1);

I assume that in a real program I'd have to malloc the C arrays, since I wouldn't know beforehand how many parameters there would be (or I could define them with a static size of about 30 since that's how many connection parameters are recognized currently).

So my question is: is there an easier or better way of passing two arrays of C null-terminated strings to an extern(C) function?

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