On Monday, 15 January 2018 at 02:05:32 UTC, Chris P wrote:

I'm extremely new to D and have a quick question regarding common practice when using strings. Is usage of one type over the others encouraged? When using 'string' it appears there is a length mismatch between the string length and the char array if large Unicode characters are used. So I figured I'd ask.

Thanks in advance,

Chris P - Tampa

 string == immutable( char)[], char == utf8
wstring == immutable(wchar)[], char == utf16
dstring == immutable(dchar)[], char == utf32

Unless you are dealing with windows, in which case you way need to consider using wstring, there is very little reason to use anything but string.

N.B. when you iterate over a string there are a number of different "flavours" (for want of a better term) you can iterate over, bytes, unicode codepoints and graphemes ( I'm possible forgetting some). have a look in std.uni and related modules. Iteration in Phobos defaults to coepoints I think.

TLDR use string.

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