On Friday, 19 January 2018 at 23:16:19 UTC, rumbu wrote:
According to this (https://dlang.org/spec/hash-map.html#static_initialization) this is correct static initialization for AA:

That only works inside a function, and, ironically, only if the variable is not `static`...

I believe this is technically an implementation shortcoming - it is supposed to work in a static context too, but it isn't implemented. But regardless, right now, you need to do it in a function (or a static constructor) right now.

You can separate declaration from initialization on module-level like so:

immutable RoundingMode[string] ibmRounding;
shared static this() {
  ibmRounding =
     ">" : RoundingMode.towardPositive,
     "<" : RoundingMode.towardNegative,
     "0" : RoundingMode.towardZero,
     "=0": RoundingMode.tiesToEven,
     "=^": RoundingMode.tiesToAway

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