On 27/01/2018 5:11 AM, Joe wrote:
An example test program that I'm using to learn D to C interfacing (specifically calling the libpq library) has a call to a C function declared as follows:

     void PQprint(FILE *fout,      /* output stream */
                  const PGresult *res,
                  const PQprintOpt *po);

PQprintOpt is a struct whose first six members are declared as 'pqbool' which is in turn declared as "typedef char pqbool;" in the distributed Postgres header file. I've defined an "alias pqbool = char;" in the D file, which is pretty straightforward.

Use ubyte, not char.
char has a bunch of logic related to Unicode surrounding it which is clearly not the intent.

The second of the six members has the name "align", which is a D keyword. So I renamed it "align_" and I presume that won't cause any problems.

You're good, layout+size just has to match not names of fields.

To deal with the first argument to PQprint, I added "import core.stdc.stdio : FILE;".  The question is how to pass the D "stdout" as that argument.  The D compiler tells me I can't pass it as is (as was done in C), because in D it's of type "File".


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