On Monday, 29 January 2018 at 11:36:26 UTC, aliak wrote:
You don't want to mutate const elements anyway. It would be breaking a promise that other parts of the program may be depending on. I would return a filtered-out range:

Right, I want to mutate the range though, not the elements. So moving things from one location is not considered as a const violation in c++ for eg, maybe the D way is different though?

Consider this case:

immutable(int)[] a = [1,2,3];
immutable(int)* b = &a[1];

You're free to slice the array or pop elements off its front or back, but if you change the order of elements, the value that b points to will change. D does not allow this.

You can create a new array with the elements moved into the locations you want, and with another layer of indirections (int*[]) you can move the elements of the array without mutating the values.

Any reading material there?


Also hasMobileElements!(const int[]) is true, so that means I can move elements around right?

hasMobileElements checks if the value of front can be moved as in move constructors, not as in 'can be moved to a different spot in the range'. I will admit the name does little to unconfuse this point.


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