Hello everybody!

Last week end I found this post ( https://dlang.org/blog/2017/08/01/a-dub-case-study-compiling-dmd-as-a-library/ ) on the Blog and thought to myself awesome.

So I built the library and everything went smooth. Thanks for the effort of all the involved people who made that possible!

I've had a look at the 2 examples, too, the avg. function lines ( https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/examples/avg.d ) and the import ( https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/examples/impvisitor.d ) ones and for a start I decided to make a program that prints the outline of a module.

Turns out I don't really understand how to access the data in the AST. For everything there's a visitor method and overriding a few of them to print return statements and some such works as advertised.

However, I have no idea where I am in the tree when any of those methods are called. Like for example in FunctionLengthVisitor(AST).visitFuncBody(AST.FuncDeclaration fd). I have a function declaration object which tells me everything about what's inside the function, but how do I know what or where this function belongs to, where can I get that information ? I don't see anything about UDAs either, nor the doc comment.

I understand when visitor.getAvgLen is called with the parsed module, the accept function calls a visitor overload for each member. But this sounds to me like I'd have to do a lot of book keeping in my visitor to keep track of things which are already present in the AST.

Any insight to this would be much appreciated :)

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