On Monday, 19 February 2018 at 12:01:31 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
I've never been able to figure this problem out, so I've I
always just edited the makefile so that the two programs in
CURL_TOOLS aren't built. IIRC, if you use -v to see the full
linker command, it's even actually linking to the curl library
that's there but somehow not succeeding. It's all quite weird.
It's been a while since I dug into it though.
- Jonathan M Davis
ok... so I decided to dig into it a little further.
seems the problem relates to a single line, in dget.d
pragma(lib, "curl");
I just commented out the one line in dget.d, and it all seems to
build ok (including dget). So no need to comment out tools in
posix.mak anymore.