Would there be a reason why this wouldn't be a good implementation?

If so what and how could it be improved?

Are there flaws in an implementation like this?

struct Property(T, bool readOnly = false)
import std.traits : isScalarType, isArray, isAssociativeArray, isSomeString;

    private T _value;

    T __GET() { return _value; }

    static if (readOnly)
            void __SET(T newValue) { _value = newValue; }

            void opAssign(T newValue)
        void __SET(T newValue) { _value = newValue; }

        void opAssign(T newValue)

    bool opEquals(T other)
static if (isScalarType!T || isArray!T || isAssociativeArray!T)
            return _value == other;
            if (_value is other) return true;
            if (_value is null || other is null) return false;
if (typeid(_value) == typeid(other)) return _value.opEquals(other); return _value.opEquals(other) && other.opEquals(_value);

    static if (!(isArray!T) && !(isAssociativeArray!T))
        int opCmp(T other)
            static if (isScalarType!T)
                if (_value < other) return -1;
                if (_value > other) return 1;

                return 0;
                return _value.opCmp(other);

    string toString()
        static if (isArray!T && isSomeString!T)
            return _value;
        else static if (__traits(hasMember, T, "toString"))
            return _value.toString();
            import std.conv : to;

            return to!string(_value);

    alias __GET this;

alias ReadOnlyProperty(T) = Property!(T, true);


This would allow something like this:

class Foo
    ReadOnlyProperty!int bar;

    Property!string baz;

    Property!int faz;

    Property!Bar bar2;

class Bar
    int boo;

Which can be used like:

    auto foo = new Foo;
    foo.baz = "Hello";
    foo.baz = foo.baz ~ " World!";
    foo.faz = 250 + foo.bar;

    foo.bar2 = new Bar;
    foo.bar2.boo = 200;

    import std.stdio;


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