On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 13:25:56 UTC, Vino wrote:
On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 03:41:27 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Sunday, February 25, 2018 02:58:33 Seb via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

That will help eventually, but it requires a compiler flag, so it's really not going to help for code in general right now, and the fact that that DIP does nothing to solve the problem of how to create exception messages without allocating them on the GC heap means that exceptions in general are still frequently going to result in allocations unless you jump through several hoops to be able to create an exception message that's in a static array or malloc-ed or something. So, I don't know how much it's going to help in practice outside of code where the programmer is absolutely determined to have no GC allocations.


Yeah. There does tend to be a correlation between @nogc and whether a range is lazy, but it's not guaranteed, so I'm inclined to think that it's a poor idea to rely on it and that it's just ultimately better to look at the documentation or even the code.

- Jonathan M Davis

Hi All,

Sorry, I am not able to see any correlation between the raised topic and the conversation that is happening in this forum, could any one please explain on of what is going on and how do you thing that this conversation is related to the topic raised, if not would suggest you to open a new topic.


I think this will work:

import std.container;
import std.algorithm;
import std.range;
import std.stdio;

void main () {
auto a = Array!string("Test1", "Test2", "Test3", "Test1", "Test2");
auto b = Array!string("Test1", "Test2", "Test3");
foreach(i; b[])
a[].enumerate.filter!(a => a[1] == i).map!(a => a[0]).SList!size_t[].writeln;

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