I've been experimenting with D's Better C mode, and I have a question regarding something that I started thinking about after watching one of Jonathon Blow's talks on data-oriented programming - more specifically the aspect of fake "inheritance"

I have the following code. My question is if it's possible to use alias in a similar way to Jonathon's own language Jai and its using keyword, referencing the internal Vector2 as Player.pos instead of Player.entity.position:

import core.stdc.stdio : printf;

uint idCounter = 0;

struct Vector2 {
        double x,y;

struct Entity {
        uint id;
        Vector2 position;

struct Player {
        Entity entity;

        alias pos = Entity.position;

Player createPlayer(Vector2 position) {
        Player player;
        player.entity.id = idCounter++;
        player.entity.position = position;

        return player;

int main(string[] args) {
        Player player = createPlayer(Vector2(50.0,50.0));

                "[Player]\nid: %d\nPosition: %lf x %lf\n",

        return 0;

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