Hi, I'm feeling a bit dumb but anway...

For hacking prototypes I mostly create a class to store all kind of values. Then I create one global instance of this class and use it everywhere. Pseudocode looks like this:

class myClass {

__gshared myClass myObj;

main() {
        myObj = new myClass();

        myObj.myMemb1 = ...

If I use VisualD and add a watch on myObj, I don't see anything just a "identifier myObj is undefined". Not sure if this is because of some threads running (using the D RX framework).

So, some questions:

1. Are myMemb1..N TLS or __gshared as well?

2. How to best implement a simple global to keep track of values (with support for threads)?

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

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