You may be wondering whether the United Nations employ an interpreter for all dialects across the globe. It does not do so as the presenters at the UN should make their dose he's in any one of its 6 official languages, These official languages are Spanish, French, English, Chinese, Arabic, and Russian. The interpreters of the United Nations then translate the speech into all other 5 official languages. In case a presenter does not use any of these 6 languages either because he or she is unaware of these languages or to make a political statement, they need to also bring an interpreter of their own.

The said interpreter then has to translate the presentation into any of the official languages like French or English. The other interpreters then translate from that particular translation. There is another alternative before the speaker. They are permitted to submit a written translation of the speech being made by him or her in any official language provided their speech do not deviate from the written text.

The UN makes use of simultaneous interpretation that signifies that all translations rake place instantly without any break. It is contrary to consecutive interpretation where the translator and the speaker speak alternately. The interpretation service of the United Nations always has 12.interpreters who work in six different booths. Each booth is dedicated to one official language. Both the interpreters sitting in its English booth translate in English while the French booth interpreters translate the presentation into French and so on.

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