On Friday, 23 March 2018 at 22:43:47 UTC, Xavier Bigand wrote:
I am trying to initialize an global immutable associative array of structs, but it doesn't compile. I am getting the following error message : "Error: not an associative array initializer".

As I really need to store my data for a compile time purpose if we can't do that with AA, I'll use arrays instead.

Here is my code :
struct EntryPoint
    string  moduleName;
    string  functionName;
    bool    beforeForwarding = false;

immutable EntryPoint[string]  entryPoints = [
"wglDescribePixelFormat": {moduleName:"opengl32.forward_initialization", functionName:"wglDescribePixelFormat"}

Another solution, radically different is to not use an AA but a simple array. Instead of indexing on a string you could simply index on an enum type. As your array is compile time constant, the dynamic nature of AA is not really used and indexing on a enum value is faster and simpler anyway. The trick here is to generate the enum type at compile time. This can be achieved by a string mixin built at compile time.

Here an example that I used to generate an enum from the values from another enum. In your case you can look where the "wglDescribePixelFormat" are defined and using imports or string building code.

  string code = "enum LANBIT : ulong { "~
"init = 0,"; /* We set the dummy init value to 0 */
  foreach(lanCode; __traits(allMembers, LANIDX)) {
    static if(lanCode == "IN")
      code ~= "INVALID = LANIDX2LANID(LANIDX."~lanCode~"),";
      code ~= lanCode~"= LANIDX2LANID(LANIDX."~lanCode~"),";
  code ~= "
ALL = INVALID-1, /**< All bits except the LANID_INVALID */ OFFICIAL= BG|CS|DA|DE|EL|EN|ES|ET|FI|FR|GA|HR|HU|IT|LT|LV|MT|NL|PL|PT|RO|SK|SL|SV, /**< Official languages of the EU */ COOFFICIAL=CA|GL|EU|GD|CY /**< Co-official languages of the EU */
  return code ~ "}";

defining constant compile time AA is an oxymoron. AA are by nature dynamic runtime creatures. if the indexes are compile time, a normal array with fixed indexes is enough.

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