On Sunday, 25 March 2018 at 19:06:14 UTC, Vladimirs Nordholm wrote:
On Sunday, 25 March 2018 at 18:24:37 UTC, Vladimirs Nordholm wrote:
The underlying problems are:
* How do I ensure the two first arguments (used as coordinates) are types of numbers (all kinds: ints, floats, reals, etc.)
* At least one argument is passed after the coordinates

I found a solution which satisfies my needs :)

    void foo(X, Y, Args...)(X x, Y y, Args args)
if (__traits(isArithmetic, x) && __traits(isArithmetic, y) && args.length >= 1)
        // ...

FYI there's also https://dlang.org/library/std/traits/is_numeric.html incase you haven't see it -takes in to account bools and chars, which depending on your usecase you may not want to count as arithmetic.

- Ali

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