On Wednesday, 28 March 2018 at 10:10:19 UTC, Simen Kjærås wrote:
So to get the class name you'd generally use typeof(this).stringof.


And could somebody explain to me why 'typeid(this).stringof' is returning 'typeid(this)'?

Because that's what you're asking for. :p

typeid returns the run-time (also called dynamic) type of a class instance. stringof is a compile-time construct that resolves to a compile-time constant string representation of its argument. If that argument is a type, it gives the name of the type. If it's an expression (such as 1+2, foo(), or typeid(this)), it gives a string representation of the expression. For typeid(this), that's "typeid(this)".

If you want to know the dynamic type of a class reference at run-time, such as in fuu(), you'd need to write writeln(typeid(this)).


On Wednesday, 28 March 2018 at 10:12:34 UTC, bauss wrote:
On Wednesday, 28 March 2018 at 09:44:35 UTC, number wrote:
And could somebody explain to me why 'typeid(this).stringof' is returning 'typeid(this)'?

stringof will return a string equivalent to the expression or symbol's representation, not its definition.


(212 + 221).stringof == "212 + 221"

(new Foo).stringof == "new Foo"


Thank you for the explanations. I somehow forgot about typeof though i must have seen it a lot in 'Ali Cehreli's Book.

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