On Tuesday, 3 April 2018 at 19:31:50 UTC, Vladimirs Nordholm wrote:
My base problem is that I want to mixin `break` into a switch statement, but the mixin is within a static foreach. Take a look at the following code:

        static foreach(f; EnumMembers!Foo)
                case Foo.%s:    bar = Bar.%s;    break;
            ", f, f));

        default: /* do stuff */; break;

The above code returns the error "Error: must use labeled `break` within `static foreach`". For a more complete example, take a look att this sample code: https://dpaste.dzfl.pl/f3ab6d9679fc

I also attempted this solution, but I got the error that the label didn't exist. (And it looks pretty ugly)

mixin(format("%s: case Foo.%s: abc = Foo.X%s; break %s;", f, f, f, f));

Any of you have a solution for this problem?

Best regards,
Vladimirs Nordholm

Would labelling help?

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