On Friday, 6 April 2018 at 21:49:37 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
On Tuesday, 3 April 2018 at 09:14:28 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:
So, say `reg` is your allocator, your workflow would be

auto obj = reg.make!Type(args);
/* do stuff */
reg.dispose(obj); // If Type has a __dtor, it will call obj.__dtor
                  // and then reg.deallocate(obj)

If I do sucessive calls to reg.make!X where X are different kinds of classes of different sizes how does reg.dispose(obj) figure out at which address(es) (where emplace filled in the data) the objects reside?

It can't figure out. With custom allocators you have to manually do the memory management, so the responsibility of when and which object needs
to be destroyed falls on the user of the custom allocator.

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