26.04.2018 21:16, FreeSlave пишет:
Most dub packages are libraries and should provide runnable examples.
What's the current idiomatic way to add examples? I used sub-packages with dependency on the library and "*" as version and running them as dub run :examplename Now I've noticed vibed uses a different scheme - examples are like separate packages that are supposed to ran with --root option (if running from the library root directory) and specify the dependency with "path" property like here https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe.d/blob/master/examples/http_server/dub.json That involves more typing when running an example but keeps the main dub.json independent from examples (no need to specify sub-packages)

Also I still don't understand if I need to include dub.selections.json in VCS repo. I read somewhere that it should be included but vibed examples don't have dub.selections.json. E.g. here https://github.com/dlang/dub/issues/829#issuecomment-215741874 jacob-carlborg  said
For applications the dub.selection.json files should be in version control, for libraries it should not be

Examples are applications so I thought dub.selections.json should be included. But it may be an outdated information.

If there're tutorials on both topics (how to include examples and when one should include dub.selections.json in VCS), I would like to read them. I could not find any useful info on code.dlang.org regarding these issues, while those look like basic issues that must be covered in manuals.

I think that separate examples are better, it can of course depends on specific case, but in general independence simplifies at least maintenance. dub.selections.json shouldn't be included in case of library because it should be configured at import site. in case of application it has been configured and so dub.selections.json should be included. IMHO.

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